Discover how one man ate 20 potatoes EVERY day, for 60 days in a row, while losing unwanted body fat and NEVER storing his favorite carbs as fat…
Health Alert: 3 Unknown Food Facts Reveal How Eating LOTS Of Potatoes Can BOOST Your Metabolic Rate And Help You Burn MORE Fat
By Shaun Hadsall
Nutrition Author and Stubborn Fat Expert
True story. After the USDA proposed eliminating the potato from federal feeding and nutrition programs, 45-year old Chris Voigt (Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission) decided to protest.
So he ate nothing but 20 potatoes per day for 60 days straight.
What happened will probably shock you.
Even though Chris was not attempting to lose weight, he did. Not only that, he had dramatic improvements in other areas of his health as well.
These numbers indicate that Chris dramatically reduced his risk for heart disease and diabetes.
His health improvements were in fact far greater than what we normally see from drugs and many intensive lifestyle programs—after eating ONLY high carb potatoes for 60 days.
While I would NEVER recommend an all potato diet for the long-term for anyone, it PROVES once and for all that in spite of all the bad press, high carb starches like potatoes, do NOT make you fat!
As you'll soon discover below, they are in fact, a nutritious healthy food than can increase fat-burning hormones, accelerate calorie burning, and KEEP your metabolism revving higher week after week.
Believe it or not, so can many of your other favorite HIGH CARB foods.
Here's the real truth you've probably never been told about eating your favorite high carb foods and losing fat.
Starchy carbs and fruits DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT.
Excessive calories do.
The 60 Day Potato ONLY diet is living proof.
If fact, if you intentionally avoid carbs, like potatoes, for long periods of time you can actually SHUT DOWN the hormones and metabolic pathways responsible for your body burning fat.
As you'll soon discover below, when you cut out potatoes and other high carb foods that you love, it can also dramatically slow down your metabolism.
In fact, once you discover the 3 unknown high carb food facts below, you'll be able to feast on all your favorite carbs—and you'll NEVER store them as fat on your body.
This isn't some goofy fad "potato" only diet and it works for anybody at any age. So regardless of your current condition, you can use this nutrition secret to turn your body's "fat burning switch" to ON, without sacrificing your favorite high carb meals this holiday season.
My name is Shaun Hadsall, and I'm a best selling nutrition author and stubborn fat specialist. Over the past 16+ years I've perfected a proprietary nutrition secret that will keep your body looking young, help you CONTROL your fat-burning hormones, and quickly REPROGRAM your body to be a fat burner—instead of a sugar burner.
I've used and taught these carb cycling methods to thousands of men and women of all ages from all over the globe. All you have to do is follow the simple nutrition advice below and you'll NEVER have to "diet" or constantly cut out your favorite high carb foods again.
But I do have to warn you. What you're about ready to read will probably fly in the face of everything else you've been taught about dieting and eating carbs.
That's because the weight loss industry has fooled everybody into thinking "starchy" carbs are the enemy and they'll make you fat if you don't stop eating them. Low carb, fad diets may work at first, but for 95% of the population it's just a temporary short cut and it blocks your fat loss by suppressing critical fat loss hormones.
The 3 "unknown" food facts below uncover exactly why you MUST STOP AVOIDING high carb foods like potatoes because it could be HARMING your metabolism... and how you can RESET your fat loss hormones to quickly strip off stubborn belly fat by eating MORE carbs…
Below, you'll discover all 3 "unknown" food facts, and you'll also learn how easy it can be to use INCREASED carb intake this holiday season to keep your metabolism healthy and consistently accessing fat as its primary fuel source day after day after day...
You'll Reprogram Your Body To STOP Storing Carbs As Fat
Believe it or not, your body was designed to run on glucose from high carb foods like potatoes. Every cell in your body, even your brain, utilizes glucose.
In fact, glucose is one of the oldest evolutionary fuels on the planet. Our bodies have been using glucose as a primary fuel source since the caveman days. And get this. On average, only 1 out of every 120 calories from glucose gets stored as fat. So 95% of the time your body burns up glucose immediately after you consume it.
Glucose also has been shown to suppress your hunger hormone ghrelin to help you control your appetite and those nasty late night cravings.
And guess what? Your favorite high carb foods like potatoes contain the purest glucose molecules on the planet. This stimulates a VERY important metabolic process called "glycolysis". Without carb induced “glycolysis”, your body won’t produce adequate ATP (your body’s primary energy source). This means you’ll end up slowing your metabolism and eventually blocking your body’s fat loss.
Now I know this sounds like the exact OPPOSITE of what you’ll normally hear, but this is how glucose based starches help you burn more fat and calories every time you eat and exercise.
In other words, by strategically eating MORE "starchy" carbs you’ll burn them more efficiently as a fuel source and STOP storing them as fat on your body.
You just have to make sure you're doing it RIGHT by using the unique strategy I show you on the next page.
You'll "Wake Up" Your Dead Metabolism, While SPIKING Your Fat Burning Hormones (increase thyroid and leptin sensitivity)
If you constantly keep your carbs low, it only takes about 72 hours to drain glycogen levels (the energy stored inside your muscles and liver).
This is a great short term approach for water based weight loss, but over time it can harm your metabolism by suppressing your fat burning hormones and putting the brakes on your fat loss.
That's why all of us NEED high carb, glucose based starches. They contain the precise nutrients that speed up your metabolic rate and increase your fat burning hormone sensitivity because they stimulate your body's #1 fat burning hormone, Leptin.
So without eating starchy carbs your metabolism will come to a screeching halt and your fat-burning hormones will plummet, instantly BLOCKING your body from using fat as a fuel source.
In fact, it only takes about a week of "dieting" to suppress your thyroid and leptin levels significantly. By regularly consuming your favorite high carb starches you'll increase leptin sensitivity and help your thyroid convert T4 to T3 more efficiently.
Strategic high carb intake will consistently help you RESET the fat-burning hormones that keep your metabolism healthy. They'll also help you replenish glycogen (your energy stores), which will sustain you with adequate energy for your workouts and living everyday life.
You'll PREVENT The Metabolic "Damage" of Dieting, While STOPPING Your Body From Losing Precious Muscle
Any time you avoid starchy carbs for lengthy periods of time your body can release more stress hormones, like cortisol, and put your body into a catabolic state.
So when you constantly cut carbs, your body goes into a muscle wasting environment in just a few short days. This catabolic state can KILL your metabolism. If you're not careful, this can cause you to lose precious muscle tissue, which is a surefire way to slow down and damage your metabolism.
But if you're eating more all natural white starches the right way, you'll keep your metabolism humming along and prevent muscle loss by keeping your body in an "anabolic" environment because high carb starches are muscle sparing.
This is often referred to as anabolism, and it's how starchy carbs can help you GAIN lean muscle and keep your testosterone to estrogen ratios at healthy levels.
Also, many times the pure amylopectin starch found in white starches, like potatoes, is MUCH less problematic than a starch containing gluten or lectins
that you get from whole grains or whole wheat foods.
But in order for all 3 of the unknown facts above to work on your body properly, you have to eat your favorite carbs based on YOUR activity level and metabolic needs or all of this could backfire on you.
For example, if you're sedentary you do not need as many white starches and ripe fruits as somebody who exercises intensely on a consistent basis.
But that doesn't mean you still can't eat LOTS of carbs. You just have to be "smart" about it by using the Carb Cycling Solution I reveal on the Next Page.
Ask Yourself This Question:
Do You Really Know How to Eat Your Favorite High Carb Foods This Holiday Season WITHOUT Fat Storage?
Here are 3 simple ways to eat your favorite high carb foods so you can indulge without the guilt or worry of fat storage - OR having to deprive yourself at every holiday party this year:
#1: Customize them based on your activity level
If you exercise you need MORE carbs than somebody who doesn't exercise.
If you don't exercise you need LESS carbs than somebody who does exercise.
#2: Time them
There are 3 times in your schedule that you can get away with eating LOTS more carbs, WITHOUT fat storage. It's all part of the Carb-Cycling Strategy we call the 4 Cycle Solution found on the Next Page.
#3: Combine them
Whenever you eat carbs alone your fat storage hormone, insulin, can skyrocket. However, this can be EASILY avoided by using the carb cycling food combinations we show you how to use with the 4 Cycle Solution.
But please proceed with extreme CAUTION. If you think cutting carbs, crash dieting, and calorie deprivation are the only way you can burn off stubborn fat then the 4 Cycle Solution is definitely NOT for you.
However, if you'd like to learn exactly how this solution works, just click the "Next Page" button below. You'll discover how the
4 Cycle Solution lets you eat LOTS of your favorite carbs, like potatoes, WITHOUT fat storage.
The very first week is specifically designed to REPROGRAM your body to burn PURE fat, instead of burning sugars, without strict, complicated diets or eliminating all your favorite carbs.
It's the perfect nutrition plan to make sure you avoid weight gain this holiday season without having to deprive yourself—and it's all found on the Next Page.
Blood Test Results of Chris' Pre Diet Vitals
Blood Test Results of Chris' Mid Diet Vitals
Blood Test Results of Chris' End Diet Vitals