All-Natural Ways You Can Eat MORE Carbs to BOOST Your Metabolism and Accelerate Fat Loss…
3 Nutrition Tricks to NEVER Store Your Favorite High Carb Foods as Fat…
By Shaun Hadsall
Nutrition Author and Stubborn Fat Expert

Did you know that almost all your favorite high carb foods are the ONLY food that is instantly available for energy the second they hit your mouth?
Did you know this is why carbs can easily be stored as belly fat making you fatter and fatter with every bite?
Did you know that if you understand the 3 simple stages of carbohydrate storage below, you can AVOID these nasty side effects while eating all your favorite carbs and cheat foods – and you NEVER have to worry about storing them as fat on your body?
If you don’t, you’ll constantly suffer from carb-based fat "spillover" and continue to accumulate more belly fat and even develop more ugly pockets cellulite.
As with most weight loss topics, the contradicting information and research is everywhere when it comes to the subject of nutrient timing and fat loss.
But all you have to do is follow the 3 simple rules below to ensure that EVERY time you eat your favorite carbohydrates and cheat foods you’ll speed up calorie burning, STOP your metabolism from slowing down, and keep your body’s #1 fat burning hormones at healthy levels day in and day out.
Remember, low carb, fad diets may work at first, but over time they can destroy your metabolism and wreak havoc on your fat burning hormones and STOP your body from using fat as fuel.
The 3 steps below reveal exactly how you can AVOID CARB BASED FAT STORAGE and in as little as 7 short days you can REPROGRAM your metabolism to use fat FIRST every time you eat or exercise to burn
MORE belly fat
WITHOUT Avoiding Carbs.
Below, you’ll find all 3 steps, and you’ll also discover how easy it can be to fix your broken metabolism and FORCE lower belly-fat to be your body’s "go to" energy source on a daily, ongoing basis...
Step 1: Avoid Carb-Based Insulin Spikes
Whenever you snack on your favorite high carb foods all by themselves, they immediately SPIKE insulin, which is your body’s primary storage hormone, so it FORCES your body straight into a fat STORING environment.
The digestion of simple carbohydrates begins the second they hit your mouth so your hormones have to properly manage the fast acting carbohydrates properly or you’ll immediately start storing these carbs as fat.
This is why you should NEVER snack on your favorite high carb foods without combining them with other foods.
The easiest way for you to avoid this fat storing nightmare is to always combine your carbs with a complete animal protein and a fibrous vegetable. This will help stabilize insulin to keep your body in fat-burning environment and help your body use the extra carbs available for energy needs.
There are, however, times when you can intentionally cheat on your favorite high carb foods without fat-storage. It’s all part of the carb cycling strategy I show you how to use on the next page.
Step 2: STOP Carb Based Fat SPILLOVER
When energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, your muscle and liver storage will over fill, and the body starts storing the unused energy as fat.
So ANY and ALL impact carbs you eat will "spill over" and be stored on your body as ugly adipose tissue (i.e. fat).
However, there are three super simple stages of carbohydrate storage... and if you understand how they work, you can eat your favorite carbs and NEVER have to worry about storing them as fat on your body.
But if you don’t, you’ll consistently suffer from carb-based fat "spillover" and continue to accumulate more belly fat and even develop ugly pockets of cellulite.
The first two were briefly discussed above.
Stage 1: Immediate Energy Needs: As soon as a carb hits your mouth, you MUST make sure you’re going to burn them off (pre-workout) or you have room in your energy tank to store them for later use.
Stage 2: Storage in your Muscles & Liver: Next, your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscle and the liver as a source of energy for movement and daily function. Storage continues until the muscle and/or liver is full.
Stage 3: Carb Based Spillover and Fat Storage: After just a few short days, when energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, muscle and liver stores over fill and your body starts storing the unused carbohydrates as fat.
In other words, if you’re not SMART about your carb intake, your muscles and liver will "fill up" with glycogen. When this happens, every time you consume carbs they’ll start to "spillover" and automatically be stored as fat.
However, there is a super simple proprietary nutrition protocol you can use to STOP stage 3 carb-based fat-spillover and still eat all the carbs you want. I reveal exactly how this works on the next page.
Step 3: STOP Eating Carbs at the WRONG Times
Carb timing confusion is one of the primary reasons that 95% of the population gains their weight back after following ANY type of diet.
But when you consume lots of your favorite carbs at the right times (and even cheat foods at specific times), you’ll NEVER have to worry about them making you look thicker and fatter.
Here are 3 simple ways you time your carb intake to LIMIT stage 3 fat-spillover and KEEP your body burning fat.
GOOD: A good time of day to eat your favorite carbohydrates is first thing in the a.m. when your metabolic rate is higher and insulin sensitivity is peaking "naturally". After being in a "fasted" state while you sleep there’s way more room in your energy tank to let the carbs in without ANY fat storage.
This strategy works even better if you exercise during the morning hours.
BETTER: An even better time to consume impact carbs is 3 to 4 hours before you exercise.
This will ensure the carbs you consume are burned off during and after the workout to avoid fat-spillover and prevent muscle loss. It will also provide you with increased energy levels throughout your workout. Better performance equals more fat and calories burned during and after the workout.
BEST: The best time to consume your favorite carbs is post-workout. When you use the right type of exercise, your muscles act like a sponge that’s been rung dry, so your body will literally "soak up" all your favorite carbs.
Timing your carb intake properly is one the ways you can enjoy ALL the fat-burning benefits of carbs while LIMITING fat-storage.
Simply put, if you eat carbs at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat, but if you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.
One of the easiest ways to apply this strategy is by using the proprietary carb cycling strategy called Macro-Patterning™ that I show you how to use on the very next page.
This nutrition method gives you the flexibility to eat the foods you love while strategically using carbs, and all your favorite cheat foods, as a way to rapidly speed up your metabolic rate, preserve lean muscle tissue, and trigger fat to be your primary energy source – all at the same time.
But unfortunately, most people have been misled so they’ll never have access to this information so they’ll continue to consume carbs the wrong way, wreak havoc on their metabolisms, suppress their fat-burning hormones, and STOP their body from using fat as fuel – WITHOUT even knowing it.
If you think CRASH dieting and cutting carbs and spending your valuable time trying to lose weight using boring cardio workouts is the only way to get your dream body, then the 4 Cycle Solution is obviously NOT for you. Plain and simple.
However, if you’d like to learn exactly how to eat more carbs while you BOOST your metabolism, reset your fat burning hormones, and enjoy dieting again, just click the big red button below. You’ll discover a unique nutrition method you’ve never heard of before that will TURN OFF your addiction to burning sugars and TURN ON your fat-burning metabolism in as little as 7 short days.
It’s scientifically proven, it’s unusually efficient, and it’s one of the easiest and safest ways to visually SEE your belly get flatter in as little as 7 days WITHOUT strict, complicated diets or the pain and suffering of traditional crash dieting.