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"Strip Off Stubborn Fat Even FASTER with Delicious Carb Cycling Recipes and Step-By-Step Meal Plans…

(PLUS: A special VIP Plateau Buster Meal Plan)

Hey, it's Shaun and Karen and we just want to say "Thank You" and Congratulate you for joining the Carb Cycling Family… We have a special surprise for you on this very page.

Even though everything you need to succeed with 4 Cycle Solution is waiting on your download page, we wanted to help you accelerate your results even FASTER by giving you our personal secret weapon used by our private paying clients to hold themselves accountable WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars on a dietician, nutritionist, or private chef.

What's So Special About the VIP 4 Cycle Solution Results Accelerator Pack?

1: Save Time: by planning an entire week's worth of nutrition in just a few short hours, without having to create your own meal plans.

2: Variety and Flavor: You'll get tons of variety and flavor with easy-to-follow recipes so you don't get burned out with bland diet foods or have to worry about what you're going to eat next.

3: Eliminate ANY Guesswork: By using step-by-step meal plans and delicious recipes, you'll know EXACTLY what you're eating next… how to make your food taste delicious… and you'll NEVER have to worry about what concoction you'll have to come up with next!

4: NEVER Hit A Plateau: Overcome ANY weight loss sticking point or plateau by using our special bonus Plateau Buster 7 Day Meal Plan (this is one of our favorites and it's our go-to plan for our private clients who get stuck).


Because you have decided to be an action taker, you now have a one-time opportunity to a VIP upgrade on your order, which includes a completely Done-for-You Meal Plan Blueprint for all 4 cycles, a recipe guide with over 110+ delicious fat burning recipes, and special bonus Plateau Buster Meal Plan – all of this while simultaneously saving you BIG money.


The 4 Cycle Solution Done-for-You
Results Accelerator Pack

The 4 Cycle Solution

7 Day Carb Deplete Meal PlanCycle 1: 7 Day Carb Deplete Meal Plan
($27 Value)

This meal plan is customized to work side by side with the 7 Day Carb Depletion Exercise Guide in a completely “Done for You” format.

You’ll get the precise timing, the exact combinations, and customized portion control guidelines you need to make your first week a success. 

Everything is laid out for you meal by meal - day by day. No thinking or planning required -- NOTHING is left out.

Macro-Patterning Meal PlanCycle 2: The Macro-Patterning™ Meal Plan
($47 Value)

The Cycle 2 meal plan is the carb lover’s dream. Inside this meal plan you’ll uncover the BEST carbs to keep your metabolism from slowing down, prevent plateaus, and avoid adaptation.

You’ll know exactly when and where to use your favorite high carb recipes from the Recipe Guide so they work synergistically with your exercise plan to help you drop the pounds without ANY guesswork.

Accelerated Fat Loss Meal PlanCycle 3: The Accelerated Fat Loss Meal Plan
($39 Value)

This is probably the most important meal plan of all four cycles because it’s specifically designed to overcome every and any type of “adaptive response” the body has to stop you from losing weight. 

Remember, your body is smart. Super smart. So it can easily “adapt” to carb intake if you’re not careful. This tried and true meal plan will teach you how to manipulate and take control of energy stores so you can STAY on the fat-loss fast track – and outsmart your metabolism.

The Diet Break Meal PlanCycle 4: Maintenance - The Diet Break Meal Plan
($39 Value)

By the time you move through the first 3 cycles you’ll have “overcame” every adaptive response related to burning stubborn body fat – and the Cycle 4 meal plan will give you the exact meals you need to keep your body responding.

This meal plan is jam packed with healthy and delicious recipes from the recipe guide to prevent boredom and it’s specifically designed to help you stay lean for life. You’ll learn how to enjoy happy hour every Friday and you’ll be able to cheat your way through the weekend while maintaining (and sometimes even accelerating) the fat loss process.

Just think how awesome it would feel to wake up every Monday morning feeling leaner and lighter.

4CS Recipe GuideResults Accelerator 5: 4CS Recipe Guide
($97 Value)

No more bland and boring diet foods. You’ll have access to 100+ quick and convenient recipes to give you the variety and flexibility you need to stay on track through all four cycles and beyond. Preparation is also super simple so you can easily adhere to your plan.

We even included food codes so you can “plug in” the recipes wherever and whenever you want within the four cycles. We give you quick and easy directions on how to prepare Power Breakfasts, Quick and Tasty Lunches, Mouth Watering Dinners, Fat Burning Salads, Power Packed Desserts, Convenient and Healthy Shakes, and even On-The-Go Fat Burning Snacks. 

Lastly, and most importantly, is taste. Just sample a few of these recipes and you’ll finally look forward to healthy eating instead of dreading it.

7 Day Plateau BusterResults Accelerator 6 (Special Bonus): The 7 Day Plateau Buster Meal Plan
($247 Value)

It happens to all of us.

Anytime we start eating healthy and exercising the first 5, 10, 15 pounds comes flying off with ease. But then it happens suddenly. Weight loss gets slower and slower until it finally comes to a screeching halt.

That’s because your body is smart. SUPER smart, so it can adapt very quickly diet and exercise patterns stopping your fat loss.

The 7 Day Plateau Buster Meal plan is specifically designed to overcome your body’s adaptive response to diet and exercise to get the scale moving again whenever you get stuck.

If you’ve ever been stuck or at a weight loss plateau for any period of time, you know how frustrating it can be. Well, now you have a proven meal plan you can grab anytime to get your fat-loss moving again in only one short week.


$75 $25

HEADS UP: You will NEVER See this VIP Package Again, so if You Say No this Special Deal Disappears Forever…

Just Go Ahead and Click the Button Below NOW to Strip Off Stubborn Fat Even FASTER with Delicious Carb Cycling Recipes and Step-By-Step Meal Plans…

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"Done for You" Accelerator Pack to my order
at a full 66% OFF, just $25!

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